Lord of Light Theme of Philosophical Views: Semiotics

Symbols are everywhere, and as human beings, we couldn't get on very well without them. Religions are infused with symbols to help us come to grips with their otherworldly ideas (God as the king, God as the father, and so on). Science and mathematics use symbols to give form to abstract ideas (looking at you number 0). Even the words you are reading at this very moment right now are symbols meant to represent certain bits of information.

Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols, and since Lord of Light is brimming with religion, science, words, and considerations of self, you can bet your bottom dollar that semiotics will be a handy theme to consider while reading.

Questions About Philosophical Views: Semiotics

  1. Where do you see words acting as symbols in the novel? Are the characters able to push through the words to see the reality they describe? If yes, where and how? If not, then why not?
  2. Take a look at Sam's speech on the meaninglessness of names. Now pick a god character. Does this speech tell us anything about the nature between that god's personality and the symbol of his or her name? If so, what and why? If not, then why not? Don't forget to use examples.
  3. Is any character other than Sam aware of the profusion of symbols in their society? If yes, who and what's their take on the subject matter? If not, then why do you think Sam is the only character in possession of this insight into human nature?