Versions of Reality Quotes in Lord of Light

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It was said, by the theologians and holy historians, that the one called Sam had recanted his heresy and thrown himself upon the mercy of Trimurti. (5.420)

You know the whole "the winner writes history" saying? This is that exactly. And do you think it's possible to add: He who writes history, writes reality?

Quote #8

"Revenge is part of the illusion of self. How can a man kill that which neither lives nor dies truly, but which exists only as a reflection of the Absolute?"

Kubera's willing to play Sam's word game, but he's not really taken in by the reality picture Sam's trying to draw.

Quote #9

"I can destroy their Temples here in the world. I think the time is at hand to cleanse the world of this abomination. The true faith must come again! Soon! It must be soon…" (7.32)

Nirriti the Black One has a reality picture he wants the rest of the world to see. Imagine it's like one of those 3D stereograms, only if you don't see the picture he wants you to, he's going to kill you. No pressure.