Versions of Reality Quotes in Lord of Light

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

A monk seated nearby noted that [Sam] was tapping his fingers upon the ground, and he decided that the Enlightened One must be keeping time with the drumbeats, for it was common knowledge that he was above such things as impatience. (3.25)

Sam's totally being impatient here, but the monk's version of reality doesn't allow him to consider such an option, so he simply replaces the reality with his version of reality. Ah, the human mind…

Quote #5

"One man, brief in space, must spread his opposition across a period of many years if he is to have a chance of succeeding. You are aware of this, and now that you have sown the seeds of this stolen creed, you are planning to move on to another phase of opposition." (3.428)

Sam can't simply oppose the gods—they're too powerful in the eyes of the average person—so instead, he needs to slowly and methodically redefine reality for the citizens of the world so the gods become less powerful in their eyes. Unfortunately, simply believing Agni's broomstick is less powerful doesn't make it less powerful. He'll have to find a work around for that one.

Quote #6

Hellwell lies at the top of the world and it leads down to its roots.

It is probably as old as the world itself; and if it is not, it should be, because it looks as if it were. (4.1-2)

A nice little nod to how the way things look often decides for us what they are. That is all.