Society and Class Quotes in Lord of Light

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Accelerationism—it is a simple doctrine of sharing. It proposes that we of Heaven give unto those who dwell below of our knowledge and powers and substance. This act of charity would be directed to the end of raising their condition of existence to a higher level, akin to that which we ourselves occupy. Then every man would be as a god, you see." (5.172)

Accelerationism seems to just be concerned with technological equality, but it moves beyond that and becomes a symbol for social equality in general. Don't believe us? Then head over to our "Symbols " section. We might just change your mind.

Quote #8

"Brahma recommended the transfer, and he would be pleased for me to appear at the wedding party at Milehigh Spire in my new form. Shall I inform him that the Great Wheel is unable to comply with his wishes because it turns exceeding slow?" (5.393)

Ah, the Great Wheel—that which is supposed to be impersonal, above and beyond any member of society, while favoring none. Yeah, notice how well that theory works.

Quote #9

And elsewhere in the world there were those who remembered bifocal glasses and toilets that flushed, petroleum chemistry and internal combustion engines, and the day the sun had hidden its face from the justice of Heaven.

Vishnu was heard to say that the wilderness had come into the City at last. (6.799-800)

Interesting how Vishnu compares the beginnings of an equalizing system with a wilderness. Is he saying civilization is being destroyed? Or is it simply a part of the society that's reintegrating itself into its rightful place? Since we may never know the definitive answer, feel free to start the discussion.