Society and Class Quotes in Lord of Light

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Having your brains scanned has become a standard procedure, just prior to a transfer. The body merchants are [sic] become the Masters of Karma, and a part of the Temple structure. They read over your past life, weigh the karma, and determine your life that is yet to come. It's a perfect way of maintaining the caste system and ensuring Deicratic control." (2.158)

Karma here is not the karma of Hindu of Buddhist philosophy. Good karma is doing what you are told, bad karma not doing so. And who determines which is which? Hint: not the people who have to get their brains scanned.

Quote #5

[Videgha] is wealthy because he levies high taxes upon his subjects. When his subjects begin to complain, and murmurs of revolt run through the realm, he declares war upon a neighboring kingdom and doubles the taxes. (4.8)

Death and taxes are inevitable, doubly so in any society with real jerks for kings or rajahs.

Quote #6

He had seen the city pass through all the stages through which a city can pass, until now it was inhabited by those who could spin their minds for a moment and transform themselves into gods, […]. (4.346)

In all fairness to the gods, they did build the Celestial City up from pretty humble beginnings. Sam just thinks that's no excuse to force humble beginnings on others.