Tonkin Gulf Resolution: Analysis

Tonkin Gulf Resolution: Analysis

Symbols, Motifs, and Rhetorical Devices


LogosState the reasons, give the judgment. In Tonkin Gulf Resolution, Congress ain't appealing to anyone's emotions, or aiming for empathy. They are stating facts, pointing out the enemy, and then...


Legal DocumentForget the flowery words and powerful visuals: this ain't a speech to make an audience tear up.The Tonkin Gulf Resolution is a formal legislative document, that clearly states the gov...


Formal, Official, Matter-of-fact, AccusatoryIf there's one document that can make your heart soar, your spirits dance, your eyes fill with impassioned tears…it's not this one. (Try "I Have A Drea...

Writing Style

Simple Yet BureaucraticAt one page in length, consisting of four actual sentences, this resolution is as simple as it gets. It does feel wordy as you read it—thanks to the embarrassingly long run...

What's Up With the Title?

Rarely known for their catchy, creative titles, Congress simply calls things what they are. New law about school buses and railroad crossings? Let's call it "School Bus Railroad Crossing Bill." A r...

What's Up With the Opening Lines?

And by "opening lines," we literally mean lines, not sentences. Because the first sentence is five paragraphs long.This resolution is a decision, by Congress, about what to do with Vietnam. Therefo...

What's Up With the Closing Lines?

Never ones to go out with a bang, Congress ends this resolution simply by telling us when and how the order will cease to exist:Section 3. This resolution shall expire when the President shall dete...


(4) Base Camp Hoo boy, is there some classic Congress language in this one. We're talking starting sentences with words like "whereas," using diplomatic patriotic language, and including long run-o...


In-Text ReferencesHistorical and Political ReferencesCommunism (2, 3)United Nations (2, 6, 7)Congress (5, 7)President (5, 6, 7)Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty (6)Geographical ReferencesVie...