Tonkin Gulf Resolution: Resources


Milestones in U.S. History

Remember that confusion-filled Gulf of Tonkin Incident, with ships that may or may not have been fired upon? Here's the official government page on the whole situation.

The Actual Document

Here's the full Tonkin Gulf Resolution for your primary source viewing pleasure.

Movie or TV Productions

Good Morning Vietnam

One of the most popular movies about Vietnam, featuring the outstanding Robin Williams as a comedy radio DJ.

Forrest Gump

Vietnam is certainly a focus in this classic film, but really, it's a great take on American history and culture throughout the entire Cold War Era.

Articles and Interviews

Interview with McNamara

A chilling post-Vietnam interview with Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, about the truth behind the Gulf of Tonkin Incident.

LBJ's Tortured Legacy

A PBS article about the end of President Johnson's life, including his agonized thoughts about Vietnam involvement—and his regret over the whole fiasco.


Hip Hughes History

This energetic and entertaining history teacher reviews the events of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident and the resulting legislation from Congress.

President Johnson on the Gulf of Tonkin Incident

Here is Johnson as he addresses the nation concerning the events of early August, 1964. You can almost sense the dread within him—he knows what's coming.


NPR's Gulf of Tonkin Review

Here are some audio links to an analysis by Walter Cronkite, a respected news anchor during the '60s, and a National Public Radio article on the war in Vietnam.

Walter Cronkite on 60 Minutes

A clip from 60 Minutes featuring the views and opinions of respected news anchor Walter Cronkite immediately following the Gulf of Tonkin Incident.


Domino Theory

This image shows America's Cold War fear of communism spreading in Southeast Asia—if Vietnam were to fall, the rest of Asia could fall with it.

McNamara and the Gulf of Tonkin

Here's McNamara briefing the cabinet on the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. We can picture him saying "Now this is where our ships may or may not have been fired on, we don't really know."