Tonkin Gulf Resolution: Tough-o-Meter

    Tonkin Gulf Resolution: Tough-o-Meter

      (4) Base Camp

      Hoo boy, is there some classic Congress language in this one.

      We're talking starting sentences with words like "whereas," using diplomatic patriotic language, and including long run-on sentences. Technically speaking, paragraphs 2, 3, 4, and 5 are all part of the same sentence, but like…they don't make it easy on us.

      To add to the fun, the sentences don't flow very well, thanks to big titles like the "Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty" (come on, Congress, couldn't we whip up a quick acronym for that?).

      All of that being said, it's short. You'll get through it in 2-3 minutes, so stop your whining.

      And we guess we'll stop ours.