Tonkin Gulf Resolution: What's Up With the Title?

    Tonkin Gulf Resolution: What's Up With the Title?

      Rarely known for their catchy, creative titles, Congress simply calls things what they are. New law about school buses and railroad crossings? Let's call it "School Bus Railroad Crossing Bill."

      A resolution based on events in the Gulf of Tonkin? Let's call it "Tonkin Gulf Resolution."

      While you might blame them for being rather dull, you have to admit it's at least clear. It could be worse: "A Resolution On The Determination Of Systematic Aggression Facing The United States Due In Whole Or In Part By The Communist Regime Of North Vietnam" could have been a thing. Shudder.

      A quick note about the word "resolution." Congress uses this word formally to mean something agreed upon (by Congress, that is). So, the title is saying "due to the events in the Gulf of Tonkin, here's what we've decided." That wouldn't make a very cool title though.