Tonkin Gulf Resolution: Questions

    Tonkin Gulf Resolution: Questions

      1. Congress briefly references the naval attack at the beginning of this Resolution, but quickly switches focus to the peace and freedom of other Southeast Asia countries. Why wouldn't Congress dwell more on the fact that they were attacked (similar to say, Pearl Harbor)?
      2. Did the rest of the world believe that the U.S. was truly being the nice guy and wanting to help in Vietnam? Or did they think America was up to something else?
      3. How much was the American public made aware of concerning the Gulf of Tonkin attack and resulting Resolution?
      4. What are some potential results, good or bad, that might come from giving the president unlimited resources to combat an enemy?
      5. Is the Tonkin Gulf Resolution a declaration of war? What's the difference, if any, and what's so important about whether or not it's a declaration of war?