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ELA Drills Videos 13 videos
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Point of View. Is the statement in the video true or false?
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Main Idea 1. Which of the statements is best supported by the passage?
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Comparing and Contrasting. In this sentence, what is compared to what?
Sixth Grade Word Meanings 23 Views
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Some people are confident. They wear their lucky underwear ten days in a row and feel like they can do anything. But sometimes, lucky underwear runs out of luck and starts growing mold. Not so confident then, eh? This video helps you choose which words to use when choosing an “insecure” or “confident” tone.
- 00:04
And here's your shmoop du jour brought to you by
- 00:05
security blankets.. unfortunately they don't do as good a job of protecting [man wafting a security blanket as robber enters the house]
- 00:09
your home as their name suggests ...choose the words that would give the sentence
- 00:14
an insecure or a confident tone every time I have to talk in front of the
- 00:19
class I immediately feel what? and here potential answers [mumbling]
Full Transcript
- 00:25
okeydoke so we have four words and we want to know which ones would read as [hand picking 4 words that fit the category of insecure or confidence]
- 00:29
insecure and which would read as confident well let's think about how you
- 00:34
carry yourself when you're confident your heads held high you walk with a [man walking through a corridor looking confident]
- 00:38
proud strut unless you're dragging your security blanket when we're confident we
- 00:43
always demonstrate poise and we behave in a cool manner if we were troubled or [man in a classroom with sunglasses and giving thumbs up]
- 00:48
uncertain in front of our class, well that would show wouldn't it certainly [man cowering in the front of the class]
- 00:52
wouldn't smack of confidence..No matter what type of fancy tie you were wearing
- 00:55
that day come on be real so yeah troubled and uncertain are our insecure [finger pointing to trouble and uncertain words]
- 00:59
words while poised and cool are our confident words speaking of which we feel
- 01:04
confident those burglars won't be back to mess with us again, not after they met [burglar in a house and man waves a plate of sausage at the burglar]
- 01:08
up with our guard dog ha-ha, woof!
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