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ELA Drills Videos 13 videos
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Point of View. Is the statement in the video true or false?
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Main Idea 1. Which of the statements is best supported by the passage?
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Comparing and Contrasting. In this sentence, what is compared to what?
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Punctuation and Capitalization 3 49 Views
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ELA Drills, Intermediate: Punctuation and Capitalization 3. Which sentence uses parentheses correctly?
- 00:03
and here's your shmoop du jour brought to you by parentheses...
- 00:11
which sentence uses parentheses correctly an [Boy with a smartphone]
- 00:14
here are your potential answers
- 00:17
alright we'll get you started on the right foot or on the left foot if you're [Man balancing on one foot]
- 00:20
lefty... when part of a sentence is enclosed in parentheses you should be
Full Transcript
- 00:23
able to cut it out and still have a fully functioning sentence if losing the [Man chopping sentence]
- 00:27
parentheses means getting a garbage sentence well then the whole sentence
- 00:31
should be thrown out not even recycled.....
- 00:33
let's clip the parentals out of these choices and see which ones still has a
- 00:38
leg to stand on Starting with A - if we remove the parenthetical
- 00:41
here we're left with Jake's house which was really had the best pool in the [Jake with at a swimming pool]
- 00:47
world pretty awful excuse for a sentence no matter how many water slides Jake's
- 00:51
pool has so A is out...out what about C without the parenthetical we get Martin's friend
- 00:56
by a shark was a great dancer this sentence mean that Martin's friend is standing beside
- 01:01
a shark and also a great dancer? [Martin's friend dancing near a shark]
- 01:06
Something's not right C is out what about D well.. once we chuck this parenthetical we're
- 01:11
left with Clarissa explained it all didn't even if explain it all happens
- 01:16
to be Clarissa's nickname it would not be a great nickname and we would not have a
- 01:19
great sentence so D is out.... What about B here we have Kevin grew up to be a great
- 01:23
chef oh my goodness we actually have an OK sentence Kevin grew up to be a great
- 01:27
chef and now one's talking about how he ate ants as a kid [Kevin working as a chef]
- 01:32
except us....To be fair Kevin wants people
- 01:36
to stop talking about his ant-guzzling past, he should probably chuck all the
- 01:39
evidence in the ocean where only the fish will know his secret [Kevin throws evidence into ocean]
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