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ELA Drills Videos 13 videos
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Point of View. Is the statement in the video true or false?
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Main Idea 1. Which of the statements is best supported by the passage?
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Comparing and Contrasting. In this sentence, what is compared to what?
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Comparing and Contrasting 2 13 Views
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ELA Drills, Intermediate: Comparing and Contrasting 2. What are the differences between a biography and an autobiography?
- 00:03
Here's your shmoop du jour brought to you by biographies because
- 00:07
reading somebody's life story tends to be a lot more interesting than [Man reading a biography]
- 00:10
unwillingly listening to somebody's life story alright here's our question what [Woman talking at the guy]
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are the differences between a biography and an autobiography and here are the potential
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answers... well as you might be able to
Full Transcript
- 00:27
tell from the words autobiographies are pretty similar to biographies except for [Guy holding an autobiography and a biography]
- 00:31
that little auto at the front of autobiography which means one's own
- 00:36
not auto as in cars sorry all you sports car enthusiasts all right well we've got a few [Car drifting round a corner]
- 00:40
options so let's see which one gives us the correct difference starting at the
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top with a well there's no rule that says biographies are longer than
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autobiographies for better or worse people are often pretty interested in [Guy writing in a pile of papers]
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themselves so we shouldn't be surprised when autobiographies run way too long
- 00:54
like library long like seriously only your mother cares this much about your [Guy holding 'The Book of Me']
- 00:58
life long so a is no good what about B well neither autobiographies and [The answer A is crossed out]
- 01:02
biographies should be fictionalized at all no matter how much the odd alien or
- 01:06
wizard world that would like to spice things up that said life story of a box [Spaceship and witch fly past]
- 01:10
Packer would probably benefit from a few fantastical characters and not just to
- 01:14
what you know help pack more boxes either way B is out how about C well we [Alien shooting a gun]
- 01:19
already know that there's definitely a difference between biographies and
- 01:22
autobiographies remember autobiographies are written by the person the books
- 01:26
about whereas biographies can be written by anyone except maybe a goat [Goat in front of an easel]
- 01:31
they make great writers because even if they manage to write something down well
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they'd probably just eat it, so B bites the dust what about D now we're getting somewhere [Goat eats the paper]
- 01:38
as the hint mentioned and as we saw when showing why C is wrong an autobiography
- 01:44
is really a biography of one's own and so we have to answer D and look at
- 01:49
that we found our answer in record time at least less time that it would have taken for
- 01:53
a goat writing an autobiography [Every page the goat writes, it eats]
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