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ELA Drills Videos 13 videos
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Point of View. Is the statement in the video true or false?
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Main Idea 1. Which of the statements is best supported by the passage?
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Comparing and Contrasting. In this sentence, what is compared to what?
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Point of View 2 60 Views
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ELA Drills, Intermediate: Point of View 2. Which of the following sentences represents the point of view that fried chicken is unhealthy?
- 00:04
Here's your shmoop du jour brought to you by a chicken's worst day
- 00:08
Friday okay here's our question which is long sentences represents the point of [Chicken on a desk looking at calendar]
- 00:13
view that Fried Chicken is unhealthy and here are potential answers tasty loaded
- 00:19
with fast cooking through this easy dinner alright well since we're looking
- 00:24
for a point of view that says Fried Chicken is unhealthy the right answer [KFC bucket appears]
Full Transcript
- 00:27
really needs to touch on the topic of health in some way and don't worry you [Surgeon in theater]
- 00:31
don't need to be a doctor to figure it out let's take a look at our options and
- 00:34
see which one represents the point of view we're looking for starting at the
- 00:36
bottom with D well our hint told us to look for links to the topic a health but
- 00:41
it doesn't come up here even a little bit we're guessing KFC sponsored answer [Man browsing internet on laptop]
- 00:45
choice D but either way it's out of the running
- 00:47
what about C not sure it's an interesting historical fact but again
- 00:51
there's no connection to health so he's gone now about a we're starting to see a [bread pops up from toaster]
- 00:55
pattern here sure it's bad if something isn't too tasty but there is nothing to [Man putting bacon onto frying pan]
- 00:59
do with health Brussels sprouts don't taste great but
- 01:02
they're apparently wonderful for your health [Girl eating brussel sprouts]
- 01:04
we wouldn't know we don't eat anything there should be a convincing stand-in
- 01:08
for alien eggs so we're moving on a is out what about B alright now we're
- 01:13
getting somewhere this sentence brings up the fact that
- 01:15
fried chicken is loaded with fat and grease which have definite negative
- 01:18
impacts on health if this is a surprise to anyone please reexamine your diet and [Boy eating KFC bucket]
- 01:23
maybe stop watching programming sponsored by the kernel so at long last [Colonel appears holding bucket of chicken]
- 01:27
we have our answer it's not quite as delicious as a bucket
- 01:30
of fried chicken but then again if you find yourself eating the sentence well [Boy eating pieces of paper]
- 01:33
you probably made some sort of mistake
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