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ELA Drills Videos 13 videos
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Point of View. Is the statement in the video true or false?
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Main Idea 1. Which of the statements is best supported by the passage?
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Comparing and Contrasting. In this sentence, what is compared to what?
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Parts of Speech 3 31 Views
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ELA Drills, Intermediate: Parts of Speech 3. Which of the following sentences correctly uses an intensive pronoun to emphasize the subject?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak and here's your shmoop du jour
- 00:05
Brought to you by elf hats Yeah they make for
- 00:08
a festive and fun christmas card with your check as
- 00:11
long as you take the picture in time Okay Here's
- 00:14
cities question We took fung sentences correctly uses an intensive
Full Transcript
- 00:18
pronoun to emphasize the subject And here are potential answered
- 00:24
you already Well it seems like an elf hat might
- 00:29
be a silly thing to put on a cat dressing
- 00:31
animals to celebrate christmas is actually a time honored tradition
- 00:35
going backto when joseph accidentally left his festive santa hat
- 00:39
on a donkey in bethlehem But back to the question
- 00:43
once we figure out subject of this sentence will need
- 00:45
to choose the option that really puts that subject center
- 00:47
stage giving it all the emphasis the production budget tio
- 00:51
i can afford Well first things first we definitely need
- 00:54
to figure out the subject of the sentence So let's
- 00:56
do that All of the sentences are slightly different but
- 00:59
in each one the exact same person is responsible for
- 01:02
putting the cat hellcats And nobody ate the cat cat
- 01:05
stand on ly like hats if they get to tear
- 01:07
Them to pieces The person responsible for putting the hat
- 01:10
on the cat subject is you How do you sleep
- 01:13
at night you vile monster Sorry that's The last time
- 01:16
we got a cat edit our videos anyway It also
- 01:19
help to know what the intensive pronoun is Well luckily
- 01:23
since you is already serving as the subject role of
- 01:27
intensive pronoun falls to the only other pronoun in these
- 01:31
sentences Humble yourself Now we can get down to brass
- 01:37
tacks In order to emphasize the subject of this sentence
- 01:40
We want to put the intensive pronoun right after the
- 01:42
subject Well in this case we need to say you
- 01:45
yourself which makes me the correct answer And that's it
- 01:49
We have our answer And we have this year's christmas
- 01:51
card so we might need to buy a new camera
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