Rules and Order Quotes in Unwind

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"They do it all the time," says Hayden. "That's what law is: educated guesses at right and wrong." (4.27.117, 4.27.120-4.27.121)

Here Hayden tells it like it is. As we said when discussing ethics and morality, there are no absolutes. Although now that we think about it, that statement kind of sounds like an absolute in its own right…

Quote #8

"Make no mistake about it: What we do here is highly illegal, but that does not mean we don't follow the rule of law. My law." (4.28.44)

The Admiral has replaced governmental laws with his own. He doesn't believe that the solution is total anarchy, but simply to have different rules to abide by.

Quote #9

"The good news is that, as E. Robert Mullard, you qualified for emergency transplants." (7.66.23)

Connor eventually finds his loophole at the end of the book—an ID he can pass off as his own, one that says he's of legal age. The nurse is sympathetic to his cause because she doesn't question his identity; in fact, become Mullard is her idea. In other words, here we see breaking the rules arguably working for good.