Religion Quotes in Unwind

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"You're special," his parents had always told him. "Your life will be to serve God, and mankind." (1.3.41)

Religion has many purposes, but a main one that we see in this book is the sense of belonging that it provides believers.

Quote #2

Lev has always felt closer to God than to his friends, or even his family. He often wonders if being chosen always leaves a person so isolated. (1.3.44)

Lev is little like a male Joan of Arc here, and his savior complex makes him feel like he's different than everyone else. Maybe he's isolated because he acts like he's better than others.

Quote #3

The car swerves and, thank God, it misses him—but it cuts off another car, hitting it, that car spins out of control, and the sound of crashes fills the air. (1.3.78)

You won't find the phrase "thank God" in the other POV chapters. It's only in Lev's, because amongst Connor, Risa, and Lev, Lev is the only believer.