Rules and Order Quotes in Unwind

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"No, stealing ourselves. Once the unwind orders were signed, we all became government property. Kicking-AWOL makes us federal criminals." (2.10.21)

This law turns minors into property, which seems egregious. But are real-world laws any different? Think on it a minute—things might not be quite as you assume.

Quote #5

[Hannah] knows—she sees—how often compassion takes a back seat to expediency. (2.16.18)

It seems that the rules come at the expense of basic human decency. Even Hannah seems put-upon when she realizes she has to help these children. She's become so conditioned by the society she lives in, despite having beef with it.

Quote #6

"If you really want to stay alive, honey, have him get you pregnant again. They won't unwind an expectant mother, so that will buy you nine whole months." (2.19.49)

This is a pretty awful reason to have a baby, and it doesn't even take into consideration the fact that this baby would probably be later unwound after being storked. Does anyone actually care about anyone in this book?