Morality & Ethics Quotes in Unwind

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He knows AWOL Unwinds will not give up as long as there's an ounce of consciousness left in them. They are high on adrenaline, and often high on illegal substances as well. Nicotine, caffeine, or worse. He wishes his bullets were the real thing. He wishes he could truly take these wastes-of-life out rather than just taking them down. (1.5.1)

This guy and his skewed sense of the world should not be a cop. He actually thinks later on, "he sometimes wishes he didn't have such moral integrity." The self-righteous ones are even worse.

Quote #2

The Bill of Life was supposed to protect the sanctity of life. Instead it just made life cheap. (2.9.5)

If this is true, why is nothing being done to repeal it?

Quote #3

How wonderful is it that she can dismiss her responsibility so easily. (2.9.12)

We often get commentary like this in the chapter about the mother leaving her baby on a doorstep. Do you agree that what she's doing is dismissing her responsibility? What other choices does she have?