Betrayal Quotes in Unwind

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

They were going on a family vacation over Thanksgiving. One problem, though: There were only three tickets. (1.1.27)

Wow, Connor's parents aren't only having him unwound, they're not even planning on telling him about it until the last possible minute. Of course, we guess there's no easy way to break it to a kid that you're having him killed, is there?

Quote #2

"It was a dream. Reality got in the way, that's all. And running away doesn't solve anything." (1.1.55)

As if being betrayed by his parents wasn't enough, Connor gets a double-dose of betrayal from his so-called girlfriend. What is a "dream" to her is real-life and necessary to survive for him.

Quote #3

Standing ten yards away is Connor's father, still holding the cell phone he had just called from. (1.1.118)

Did we say double-dose? Let's up that to triple-dose. When Connor runs away, his dad can't just let him go. He tracks him down, and for what? Just to ensure that his child is unwound. Why isn't just not having him in the house enough?