Religion Quotes in Unwind

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Tithing's in the Bible; you're supposed to give 10 percent of everything." (2.14.28)

We just want to know if they have to tithe their poo, too. Everything includes everything, after all.

Quote #5

"Storking's in the Bible, too. […] Moses," says Lev. "Moses was put in a basket in the Nile and was found by Pharoah's daughter. He was the first storked baby, and look what happened to him!" (2.14.28, 2.14.30)

Although the Bill of Life and subsequent initiatives were intended to appease both sides of the abortion debate, it seems like they take an awful lot of their influence from the Bible. Either that, or Lev relates everything to the Bible stories he's so familiar with.

Quote #6

"I remember thinking, if a baby was going to be so unloved, why would God want it brought into the world?" (2.14.48)

This is a good question, and of course it's posed by Connor, who doesn't believe in God as Lev does. Oddly, Lev doesn't have a response to this.