Religion Quotes in Unwind

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Being torn from his purpose was the most unnerving thing that had ever happened to Lev, but now he understands why God let it happen. It's a lesson. It's to show Lev what happens to children who shirk their destiny: They become lost in every possible way. (2.15.7)

That's Lev in the corner. That's him in the spotlight, losing his religion. Like Michael Stipe discovers in another song, everybody hurts, but for Lev the pain is exceptionally acute because he goes from a chosen one to a nobody.

Quote #8

"The good Lord wouldn't have put it in your heart if it wasn't right." (3.21.3)

One thing Lev and CyFi have in a common is a belief in a higher power. CyFi doesn't have delusions of grandeur, though.

Quote #9

"My parents don't believe in intelligence scans. It's kind of a religious thing. Everyone's equal in God's eyes and all that." (3.21.48)

Although there are a lot of negative views on religion in this book, this is a positive one. Lev's parents do see everyone as equal—equally intelligent, and, well, equally up to being sacrificed.