Morality & Ethics Quotes in Unwind

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"The next morning, before the rest of us got up, my dad put the baby on a doorstep across the street." (2.14.37)

Why is this considered horrific, but it's legal for a mother to do the same thing to her own baby? Morality is super muddled in this world.

Quote #5

"People shouldn't give away babies that get left at their door," Lev finally says.

"People shouldn't stork their babies," Risa responds.

"People shouldn't do a lot of things," says Connor. (2.14.54-56)

Connor pretty much sums everything up best. There are no universal morals or ethics (or are there?) and it's impossible to make foolproof laws to regulate them.

Quote #6

Doing the right thing shouldn't make you ashamed. (2.15.16)

This might be the best way to gauge if something is ethical or moral…or to figure out if you're a sociopath.