Morality & Ethics Quotes in Unwind

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You ain't gotta be eatin' other folks' garbage, foo'!" (3.21.14)

Not all the issues addressed in this book are pro-life or pro-choice. Some of them boil down to whether or not it's acceptable to be eating out of the trash. Cy-Fi says no. He convinces people to give him food, like he's Amanda Palmer or something.

Quote #8

"That's right—but you helped me. Now it's my turn to do the same for you. And I'm going to get you to Joplin." (3.21.191)

Here's a strange bit of honor coming from borderline-psychopath-suicide-bomber Lev. If we have one positive thing to say about him (and we might only have one positive thing) it's that he's true to his word.

Quote #9

"I don't think unwinding is bad," [Emby] says. "I just don't want it to happen to me." (4.27.63)

The double standard here is striking. Emby had no problem receiving an Unwind's lung to live. Is that hypocritical of him?