Betrayal Quotes in Unwind

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Mr. Durkin does not come. This hurts Risa most of all. (1.2.34)

Risa also lives a short life full of betrayal. Not only was she abandoned in a state home, the one mentor she thought she had doesn't even show up when she's shipped away to be unwound. Is there any adult these kids can count on?

Quote #5

Lev reaches into the kid's backpack and pulls out a dog-eared notebook. […] Lev begins to write: HELP! I'M BEING HELD HOSTAGE BY TWO AWOL UNWINDS. NOD IF YOU UNDERSTAND… (2.13.11)

Lev is the opposite of Connor and Risa. He doesn't feel betrayed by his family at all, because he knows he's going to be an Unwind from the time he's born. Lev ends up being the betrayer as opposed to the betrayed.

Quote #6

[Lev] doesn't want to answer this man who led him to a cliff only to turn away at the last minute. (2.15.39)

Here Lev gets a taste of the betrayal Connor and Risa felt from their elders, except it's reversed. Lev feels betrayed because Pastor Dan is telling him to live, when he was prepared to die. Granted, it must be a lot for him to wrap his mind around after a lifetime spent looking toward death.