Betrayal Quotes in Unwind

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Cy picks a dangling gold bauble from the glittering tree and slips it into his coat pocket. (3.21.110)

When Lev meets CyFi, he seems to be a pillar of morals and honesty, so it's extra shocking when all of a sudden he steals something from a shop. Of course it's because the Unwind part of his brain is taking over, but we don't know that yet when this happens.

Quote #8

They betrayal is so unexpected, so complete, Risa doesn't know who to hate more, Roland or Connor. (3.24.25)

This is a no-brainer if you ask us; obviously she should hate Roland. Roland is the one who attempts to rape Risa, not Connor, and Connor manages to stop Roland without getting physical.

Quote #9

[Connor] hauls off and punches Lev in the eye. Not hard enough to knock him down, but hard enough to snap his head halfway around and give him a nasty shiner. Before Lev can react, Connor says, "That's for what you did to us." (5.34.60)

Then Connor hugs him. Connor has to punish Lev for betraying him, but he's able to forgive him and move on, too.