Suffering Quotes in Unbroken

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Their hunger dimmed, an ominous sign. They had reached the last stage of starvation. (3.16.34)

Salt sores. Sun burn. Shark attack. All of this pales in comparison to what starvation does to the men. It causes them to suffer physically and mentally.

Quote #8

[Louie's] diarrhea became explosive, and cramps doubled him over. (4.18.8)

There isn't a phrase in the English language that evokes suffering more than "explosive diarrhea." Louie and his fellow prisoners sometimes had to live with dysentery and other ailments for weeks at a time. 

Quote #9

The extremely low caloric intake and befouled food, coupled with the exertion of the forced exercise, put the men's lives in great danger. (4.19.40)

There isn't a single aspect of the Japanese POW camp that could be viewed as appealing in any way.