Unbroken Quotes

Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop.  Pick a theme below to begin.

Perseverance Quotes

The men had been adrift for twenty-seven days. […] The men's bodies were pocked with salt sores, and their lips were so swollen that they pressed into their nostrils and chins. (Prologue.2)

Suffering Quotes

[Louie] was a marked boy. Bullies, drawn by his oddity and hoping to goad him into uttering Italian curses, pelted him with rocks, taunted him, punched him, and kicked him. (1.1.27)

Friendship Quotes

As Louie and Phil wrestled over a beer, they crashed into the flimsy partition separating their room from the next. The partition keeled over, and Phil and Louie kept staggering forward, toppling t...

War Quotes

On the first of August, Louie and the other Olympians were driven through Berlin for the opening ceremonies. Every vista suggested coiled might. Nazi banners had been papered over everything. (1.4.10)

Competition Quotes

[Louie] hated running, but the applause was intoxicating, and the prospect of more was just enough incentive to keep him marginally compliant. (1.2.5)

Admiration Quotes

Louie idolized Pete, who watched over him and their younger sisters […] with paternal protectiveness. (1.1.24)

Language and Communication Quotes

Realizing that the white church would stand out brilliantly on the dark atoll, a marine named Fonnie Black Ladd ran in and yelled at the natives to get out. When they wouldn't move, he drew his sid...

Family Quotes

[Louie's] father, Anthony, had been living on his own since age fourteen. […] His mother, Louie, was a petite, playful beauty, sixteen a marriage and eighteen when Louie was born. (1.1.9)

Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

[Louie] began drinking one night when he was eight; he hid under the dinner table, snatched glasses of wine, drank them all dry, staggered outside, and fell into a rosebush. (1.1.13)