Unbroken Questions

  1. What does Unbroken teach about World War II that you didn't already know?
  2. Are there any parts of Louie's story that you find too incredible to believe?
  3. Is there any event, or any person, that you want to know more details about? (Where's our sequel about Phil?)
  4. Would you have believed Louie's story if it were fiction?
  5. What motivates Louie the most as a teenager? Is he driven by the same goals and desires while in the war?
  6. How does the war change Louie? In what way is he the same?
  7. Why is the book divided into five parts, plus an epilogue? How does each part encapsulate a new leg of Louie's journey?
  8. Have you read (or seen the movie adaptation of) Seabiscuit, Laura Hillenbrand's first book? How does Louie's story mirror that of this champion racehorse? (Hey, we'd be honored to be compared to anyone that famous, even if he is a horse.)