Suffering Quotes in Unbroken

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[A coach] told Louie that some of his rival coaches were ordering their runners to sharpen their spikes and slash him. (1.5.10)

This actually happens. We thought the most painful part of trying to be a track star would be all the running, not the other runners.

Quote #5

Phil felt as if he were on fire. (3.14.1)

The men suffer so much while lost at sea, and the combination of sunburn and dehydration is almost deadly for Phil. 

Quote #6

The men grew thinner. Phil was gradually regaining his strength after his initial state of concussed exhaustion; Mac's body grew weaker, following his broken spirit. (3.14.45)

These guys can handle a lot, but this whole stranded-on-the-ocean business is unrelenting.