Unbroken Characters

Meet the Cast

Louis "Louie" Silvie Zamperini

Catch Him If You Can Louie is the hero of the story. He's the guy who almost breaks the four-minute mile, gets swept up by World War II, shot down in the Pacific, punches sharks in the face, sur...

Russell Allen "Phil" Phillips

Pilot to Bombardier… Pilot to Bombardier Phil is like the Ginger Rogers to Louie's Fred Astaire. He has to go through everything Louie does (being shot at, lost at sea for forty-six days, impr...

Mutsuhiro Watanabe a.k.a. the Bird

Bird of Prey Mutsuhiro Watanabe is a man of many names… and personalities. Known to his family as "Mu-cchan" (4.23.15), to everyone else as the Bird (and a lot of things we can't print here, w...

Cynthia Applewhite

All that Glitters If Unbroken were a novel, Cynthia would be a character who came out of nowhere. She appears in the book's final part, and ends up being the love of Louie's life. He sees Cynthi...

Francis "Mac" McNamara

He's Come Undone We lose a lot of crewman when the Green Hornet goes down, but watching Mac's slow decline into madness might be the most difficult death to watch. Along with Louie and Phil,...

Crew of the Super Man

Justice League Other than their names and their positions, we don't get to learn too much about the personalities or private lives of the crewmen of the Super Man. Most likely, these omissions a...

The Zamperini Family

Family Matters Louie's family always supports him, from the time he's a trouble teenager, to when he's a track superstar, and, finally when he's a decorated war hero. His father, Anthony, was a...

Kunichi James "Jimmie" Sasaki

International Man of Mystery Jimmie Sasaki remains a mystery from the beginning of the book up until the end. When we meet him, he's a track fan attending college with Louie. He spends his time...

Other Men

POWs Louie meets a variety of men as he's carted from POW camp to the next. Some he inspires, and some inspire him to hold on and survive. One man who tells us a lot about the search for Louie i...