Sexuality Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Mr. Scott] admonished us repeatedly not to be "gay for the stay." (4.6)

That's the slang term for women who have same-sex relationships while in prison and only while in prison. The prison officials seem less concerned with the fact that the prisoners are having sex, whether it's consensual or not, and more concerned with making sure they don't all magically transform into lesbians or something.

Quote #5

"We have a zero-tolerance policy for sexual misconduct here at Danbury." She was talking about prison guards, not marauding lesbians. Clearly sex and power were inseparable behind prison walls. (4.20)

There is no such thing as consent in prison when it comes to a prison guard and a prisoner, despite how the "romance" on the television show might make it seem. If a guard and a prisoner have sex, the guard is taking advantage of the prisoner's lack of rights, no matter how you spin it. The power is just too uneven in this dynamic for true blue consent.

Quote #6

It was easy to tell the difference between women who were lonely and wanted comfort, attention, and romance, and a real, live lesbian: there were a few of them. (5.33)

We guess the first group are the ones who are susceptible to that "gay for the stay" thing the guards are so concerned about.