Religion Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

There were a host of religious opportunities at Danbury: a Friday Mass for Catholics […], a Spanish Christian service on weekends; a Buddhist meditation group and also rabbinical visits on Wednesdays; and a wacky weekly nondenominational be-in led by volunteers armed with acoustic guitars and scented candles. (7.1)

There are lots of worship options in prison. It's like an all-you-can-worship buffet.

Quote #2

I found the religious prostrations of my saber-rattling born-again neighbors tedious. (7.3)

Piper is of the belief that you can believe what you want, but just keep it to yourself. Unlike when someone comes to your door (you can shut it in their face) or tries to proselytize to you on the street (you can tell them to shut their face), you can't get away from it in prison.

Quote #3

Pop and her crew pulled out all the stops for Easter dinner. (7.8)

Whether you're religious or not, there's nothing like a good holiday dinner. And in prison, the holiday dinners might be the only legit good ones you get.