Sexuality Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"When I was locked up in county, they used to make dildos out of a spork, a maxipad, and a finger from a rubber glove!" (8.9)

A lonely lady has to do what a lonely lady has to do. And who knew a spork and a maxipad had so many uses? They are both modern miracles of human innovation.

Quote #8

"I am looking for a real woman!" (8.24)

Piper makes Crazy Eyes out to be a crazy lesbian, but at least she has standards. As she says, she's a "big-time drug dealer" (8.24)—she ain't got time for silly girls.

Quote #9

Larry was clearly feeling the pressure of our separation too. His hello kisses in the visiting room grew more ardent, and he wanted to play footsie under the card tables. (8.32)

Sexual frustration builds for the boyfriends, fiancés, and husbands on the other side of the fence, too. We have to give credit to the real Larry who, unlike the Jason Biggs Larry in the show, remains faithful to Piper despite being celibate for over a year.