Sexuality Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Among our loose social circle was a clique of impossibly stylish and cool lesbians in their mid-thirties. (1.15)

We're not sure if Piper means these lesbians are impossibly stylish and cool because lesbians usually aren't or because they're just impossibly stylish and cool for any human being. Because Piper is a lesbian herself, we're assuming she means the latter.

Quote #2

I didn't particularly want to date a man, and this man wasn't even my type! (2.10)

How does Piper know what her type is when it comes to men if she hasn't been with one in so long?

Quote #3

"There's lesbians up there. I want you to understand, you do not have to have lesbian sex. I'm old-fashioned. I don't approve of any of that mess." (3.73)

We're not sure if Butorsky doesn't approve of the whole barely-consensual prison sex part, or the lesbian part, although we're thinking it's probably the latter.