Rules and Order Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Break the rules, you're going to the SHU." (6.6)

The Special Housing Unit is the worst punishment for a prisoner—it's basically solitary confinement. It's like being asked to stand in the corner in detention, but being put into a box in the corner. For days.

Quote #8

I wrote the cop-out, a simple one-page form the official title of which was BP-S148.055 INMATE REQUEST TO STAFF. The next morning I marched into DeSimon's office and hand it to him. He did not take it from me. (11.35)

Even though Piper usually follows the rules, that doesn't mean the guards do. If she follows the rules to a T it doesn't mean anything if they don't comply, too.

Quote #9

My out-of-bounds infraction was a minor one, a 300-series shot, along the same lines of: refusing to obey a direct order, participating in an unauthorized meeting or gathering […] and indecent exposure. (15.88)

There are three long paragraphs detailing just a fraction of infractions that are possible in jail. Getting one of these is basically like getting extra detention while already in detention.