Rules and Order Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"They count us five times a day, and you have to be here, or wherever you're supposed to be." (3.112)

This is one of the first rules that Piper learns, and this one actually makes sense. After all, how will they know if someone has escaped if they're not keeping count?

Quote #5

Hugging and kissing your visitors (no tongue!) was permitted at the beginning and end of the visit. (4.44)

The rules govern everything in prison, and even the visitors have their own set of rules to abide by. Do they think French kissing is just too sexual? Or they're going to smuggle something in under their tongues? Or are they just bent on keeping people miserable?

Quote #6

Why not soap to clean your body? Why not toothpaste? Somewhere within the monstrous bureaucracy of the Bureau of Prisons, this all made sense to someone. (5.76)

We're not sure if this makes sense to anyone. Maybe the prisons just got a better deal with Tide than they did with Colgate, and that's why prisoners are given laundry detergent, but not toothpaste.