Religion Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Ghada was one of the handful of Muslim women I met in prison […] but it seemed that the guards frequently confiscated her head scarves. (10.9)

Okay, we take back what we said about freedom of religion: There doesn't seem to be any reason not to have a religious exemption for headwear.

Quote #5

Every evening when she was finished with work in the kitchen, Vanessa would return to her cube, climb up in her bed, and bring out a contraband tape player, obtained somehow through the chapel. Her absolute favorite gospel song, detailing the fact that Jesus was loving, forgiving, and helping us to take every step, would soar over the cube walls. (12.24)

We're surprised the prison doesn't have some sort of regulation for loud music. Would the guards let any type of music play loud? What if it were Eminem? Or Celine Dion? Or Rebecca Black?

Quote #6

I wasn't inclined to formal prayer, but I was less skeptical about faith than I had been when I entered prison. (15.30)

Piper starts to have a little turn-around about faith while in prison. She realizes that people have to cling to hope, wherever they find it.