Religion Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I believed that everyone should be able to practice according to their own preferences and beliefs, but an awful lot of pilgrims in prison seem to be making it up as they go along, in silly ways. (15.32)

Are people just desperate to cling onto any form of faith they can while in prison? Or does this faith run deeper?

Quote #8

What Gisela was describing to me was an exquisitely intimate and happy love. (15.34)

We wonder if Piper really had a conversation before with someone who was a true believer. Maybe her view on faith would have changed earlier if she had talked to someone in the outside world like she talks to Gisela in prison.

Quote #9

Was it such a bad thing if faith helped someone understand what others needed from them, rather than just thinking about themselves? (15.36)

Piper appreciates the giving, selfless nature of religion. Which is another reason the people who play their music and preach loudly annoy her: They're doing it for themselves, not for others.