Friendship Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I will have you in my heart from now and always. Happy B-Day Piper, may you have many more to come. Love, Janet. (13.91)

Piper loves to share her letters from her friends (they wrote a ton for her as character witnesses during her trial) and she even manages to get heartwarming letters from her friends inside prison. This woman makes friends everywhere.

Quote #8

"Thank you, Janet! Thank you so much! You helped me so much!" I couldn't say anything else, and I started to cry. And then she was gone. (14.6)

Janet isn't just a prison friend to Piper; she's a real friend. And Piper misses her a lot when she's gone, just like you'd miss anyone who leaves you.

Quote #9

Also scrawled on the paper was the contact information for my friends in the Camp—and if they were due to go home soon, a street address. (17.7)

Here we get the proof that Piper does want to keep in touch with these women even after prison. Maybe they'll have a post-prison book club or something.