Friendship Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"[Pop] needs someone to keep her company when I leave, and get her ice and soda for her, you know?" (6.104)

Um, is Pop looking for a friend or a servant? In prison, the line between the two seems blurry.

Quote #5

Focusing on the positive was hard, but I knew that I had found the right women at Danbury to help me do it. (12.35)

Just like anywhere—school, work, prison… they're all so similar—finding the right friends is the key to mental health. Piper finds women who focus on the positive, support each other, and keep away those who just want to take advantage of them.

Quote #6

I was really stunned. Card tables had been pushed together to make a long banquet, and around the table were an odd assortment of prisoners, my friends. (13.78)

This is one of the first times Piper refers to these women as her friends, and we get the idea that she's going to want to keep in touch with them even on the other side of the walls.