Freedom and Confinement Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The truth is, the prison and its residents fill your thoughts, and it's hard to remember what it's like to be free, even after a few short months. (8.55)

Just like being immersed in a foreign country and learning to speak the language faster, being immersed in the confinement of prison means you learn the language of prison faster… and you forget your native language of freedom.

Quote #8

In many places in the United States pregnant female prisoners are kept chained in shackles during their deliveries. (9.7)

Sometimes, not even pregnant women get an exemption from the restraining measures that are used in prison. What do they think she's going to do, strangle someone to death with her newborn's umbilical cord?

Quote #9

As we headed to work that day, news helicopters hovered over the federal plantation. We gave them the finger. No one appreciates being treated like an animal in the zoo. (14.10)

They're already locked in a cage all day; they don't need the news media rubbing it in by gawking at them from above.