Freedom and Confinement Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Nina would be just a few hundred yards away behind that awful fence, but it might as well have been thousands of miles. (7.11)

Danbury is made up of two separate prisons, and when Nina moves to the other as part of a drug program, Piper knows that she might not ever see her again. They don't have the freedom to go back and forth between facilities.

Quote #5

After more than a month of being trapped in the confines of the Camp, the bus ride was exhilarating. (6.3)

Even a bus ride just a few miles away to do construction work feels like a shuttle to a theme park.

Quote #6

"We don't mind the rain. We love it." And she put her head back again, face up, as close to the sky as it could get. (6.71)

These women just got transferred to Danbury from an even stricter prison, one with no true outdoor area. It has to be rough to not only be in jail, but to be stuck inside 24/7 for who knows how many months. Every drop of rain feels like freedom.