Drugs and Alcohol Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Early in the month there was a rush of new faces, including a clique that had smuggled in marijuana via the cootchie express. (9.61)

Yes, they smuggled the drugs in exactly the way you think they did. As Piper says, "Squat and cough doesn't really seem to work."

Quote #8

I had to guess that [Allie's] multiple stints in prison were due to her addiction. I worried about Allie; I certainly hoped that she would never see the inside of a prison again, but more than that, I was concerned that she would end up dead. (12.6)

Prison might actually be a safer place for Allie. At least while she's in it. They don't seem to be doing anything to actually rehabilitate her while she's there, though.

Quote #9

The twice-daily [detox] pill line in Danbury was always long, snaking out of the medical office into the hall. […] What would happen when they hit the streets and no longer could go to the pill line? (12.9)

The prison has half the rehab part down: weaning people off drugs. But they lack the counseling people require to stay off drugs.