Drugs and Alcohol Quotes in Orange Is the New Black

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"It's a waste for half you people up in this Camp. Most of you drug people shouldn't even be here." (7.35)

And this is coming from Mr. Finn, one of the prison's counselors. He works in the system, and even he thinks the space would be better used for someone else other than those on drug charges. Do you agree?

Quote #5

[Allie B.] was straightforward and unapologetic about her love of narcotics. Heroin was her drug of choice, but she was willing to get high on anything and often threatened to sniff the solvents at her job in the construction shop. (8.3)

It seems like going to jail isn't enough to get Allie to rethink her chronic drug use. Could anything possibly change her mind?

Quote #6

In the federal system alone […] there were over 90,000 prisoners locked up for drug offenses, compared with about 40,000 for violent crimes. (9.24)

More than twice as many people are locked up in jail for drugs as opposed to violent crime. Do you think there are more drug offenders (or more things considered drug offenses) than there are violent crimes, or just higher conviction rates?