Appearances Quotes in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Of course he's Abraham Portman's grandson. Just look at him!" (6.29)

Jacob looks like his grandfather, which is nice because it helps Miss Peregrine identify him, but it's a little bittersweet for Emma, because Jacob's appearance reminds her of her love for his grandfather.

Quote #8

"I'm either one hundred seventeen or one hundred eighteen," said a heavy-lidded boy named Enoch. He looked no more than thirteen. (6.188)

Even though the kids are all basically senior citizens, none of them look that way. The time loops prevents them from aging.

Quote #9

"Nobody suspected a thing," [Emma] said. "People come to sideshows to see stunts and tricks and what-all, and as far as anybody knew that's exactly what we showed them." (7.37)

When most people see something that appears impossible, like a levitating person, they assume it's some sort of magic trick, not an actual supernatural power.