The Supernatural Quotes in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Every time he described [the monsters] he'd toss in some lurid new detail: they stank like putrefying trash; they were invisible except for their shadows; a pack of squirming tentacles lurked inside their mouths […]. (Prologue.6)

Either Grandpa watches a little too much anime, he's crazy, or he's telling the truth about scary supernatural creatures. It takes a few pages for Jacob (and us) to realize it, but Grandpa is telling the truth—monsters are out there.

Quote #2

"There was a girl who could fly, a boy who had bees living inside him, a brother and sister who could lift boulders over their heads." (Prologue.15)

It's easy to dismiss these stories as fairy tales (as Jacob later does), but his grandfather catches him at just the right age to convince him that they're real, if only temporarily.

Quote #3

The girl's feet weren't touching the ground. But she wasn't jumping—she seemed to be floating in the air. My jaw fell open. (Prologue.27)

These photos are especially surprising to Jacob because they're Grandpa's. If he saw them online, he's just assume they were computer altered, but at this point, Grandpa is still a trusted source in the story.