Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Characters

Meet the Cast

Jacob Magellan Portman

He Doesn't Want to Grow UpWhen Jacob Portman, our narrator, is a wee little child, he wants to be an explorer. Of course he does—his middle name is Magellan (so he either wants to be an explorer...

Emma Bloom

Bloom's TaxonomyEmma Bloom is the epitome of "looks can be deceiving." When we first meet her, she's an angry violent girl, like Katniss Everdeen going through some sort of narcotic withdrawals. Sh...

Miss Alma LeFay Peregrine

Bird BrainMiss Peregrine is, unsurprisingly, the headmistress of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. Who do you think would be in charge there? Miss Hannigan? Because of Jacob's dying gran...

Abraham Portman

Honest Abe Abe is one of the first characters we meet. We're told in the first paragraph that he "lived in an orphanage, fought in wars, crossed oceans […] performed in circuses, knew everything...

Dad (Franklin Portman)

For the BirdsWe wouldn't be surprised to see Jacob's dad go all Kevin Spacey at dinner someday. He's an "amateur ornithologist" (1.38) who hasn't published a thing, and while his wife's family owns...

Dr. Golan

Monster M.D.After Jacob watches his grandfather die, his parents send him to see Dr. Golan, who diagnoses Jacob with "acute stress reaction" (2.26). The good doctor works with Jacob to get to the r...

Bronwyn Bruntley

Brute ForceBronwyn is the strong-girl who puts the brawn in Bronwyn. All the peculiar children have a superpower, and hers is brute strength. She's a key part of the team at the end of the book bec...

Enoch O'Connor

Pushing DaisiesEnoch has one of the most peculiar of the peculiar abilities: He can bring things back to life. It's not as easy as touching them and getting them to talk, though—he has to "take t...

Minor Characters

More Peculiar ChildrenOf the other peculiar children, we see the most of Millard Nullings, which is ironic since he invisible. (Note the null in his last name—null means zero, or doesn't exist.)...