Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Genre

Young Adult Literature; Fantasy; Adventure

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children feels like someone rolled up a young adult novel, turning it into a big boulder, and sent it rolling through X-Men and Toxic Crusaders before crashing into a bunch of crazy Nazis on their way to fight Indiana Jones. Did we mention the boulder is rolling backward through time? Because it is.

This book is quite a combination of genres. Although part of the book's draw are the allegedly authentic vintage photographs, the story is less about creepy real-world people and more about children with mutant powers straight out of a comic book—levitation, invisibility, eating with the back of your head.

And all these kids are on an adventure that seems like it might be heading down a road toward a big ol' Nazi battle in the middle of World War II. Plus, all the characters are around sixteen—or at least they look sixteen—even if they've been in the time loop for seventy years, putting this fantasy (think: magical and made-up) adventure squarely in the middle of young adult lit.