Appearances Quotes in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Sure, I remember them," he said. "Odd collection of people. We'd see them in town now and again—the children, sometimes their minder-woman, too—buying milk and medicine and what-have you. You'd say 'good morning' and they'd look the other way." (4.100)

The children of the home always seemed strange to the villagers, but not because they looked weird (they probably left the weirder-looking kids at home) but because they acted unusually.

Quote #5

Where had the townspeople been hiding all these big animals? Also, why was everyone looking at me? Every person I passed stared at me goggle-eyed, stopping whatever they were doing to rubberneck as I walked by. I must look as crazy as I feel. (5.81)

Jacob sticks out when he travels back in time because his clothes look so different than anything people wear in 1940.

Quote #6

"Let me see your eyes! […] No, your real eyes! Those fakes don't fool me any more than your ridiculous lie about Abe!" (5.122)

Emma wants to see Jacob's eyes because wights—some of the bad guys—don't have pupils. It seems that Emma knows that wights can alter their eyes, too, which makes it a little less surprising to learn that Dr. Golan hid his identity with contact lenses to make his eyes appear human.